Install to removable device Wizard

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This wizard installs Password Manager XP and chosen databases to removable devices such a USB flash drives. You will be able to run Password Manager XP directly from the device and use databases stored on this device. You can plug the device to any Windows computer and use your data instantly.


To run the wizard choose Tools > Install to removable device Wizard... menu item. The wizard's welcome page will appear. Click Next to continue.



On the next page choose the device, in which to install Password Manager XP. You can also set the following parameters:


Show all devices - when this option is selected, the program will display all devices available for the installation of the program, not only removable ones;
Install in this folder - when this option is selected, the program will be installed in the specific folder on the device. Otherwise, the program will be installed in the root folder;
Install print templates - when this option is selected, report templates will be installed on the device.
Install support for browsers integration - when this option is selected, browsers integration will be installed on the device.


Click Next to continue.



On the next page you can choose the databases to be installed to the device. You can also set the following parameters:


Synchronize database before overwriting - when this option is selected, changes in the database located on the device will be copied to the local database. Only when the copying is complete, changes will be saved to the database on the device. This option allows eliminating the risk of losing data when changes are made in both local and remote database located on the device. For more information on synchronization, please read the Synchronizing database topic.
Set the read only attribute for databases at removable media - when this option is selected, databases installed on the device will have the ‘read-only’ attribute.
Allow offline access for current user - this parameter can be selected if you are using the multi-user access to databases along with NT authentication. When this parameter is selected, the program will create a new user (with a tag) with permissions and password of a domain user logged on to database. This option allows using the database when the domain is unavailable. Simply use the user with the Offline tag.


Click Next to begin install.



After install process will finish, the device will contain Password Manager XP executable files and chosen databases. To launch the Password Manager XP from device, locate Password Manager XP executable file (Password Manager XP.exe) and run it.

Quick install to removable device:

To perform quick install you need to run Install to removable device Wizard first and configure needed options. When all necessary parameters are set, the quick (silent) installation of the software with the parameters provided during the first run will be performed the next time the Quick install to removable device... function is called.

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